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We started showing our Samoyeds in 1977, so there are a lot more Champions!  If you have a Champion bred or co-bred by Vanderbilt which is not acknowledged on these lists, please email us with the info.  Thank you!  2016 and forward follows (may not be a complete list).  Please email us with any additions/corrections.


2016 to present (Pre 2016 here). 


AM CH Vanderbilt's Line Of Duty, "Captain" (Cash x Yum Yum)

AM CH Cabaka's Prettier Than You, "Petit" (Rowdy x Gabe)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Top Gun, "Maverick" (Georgie x Annie) (Plus GRAND CH!)

AM CH Vanderbilt's All Fun And Games, "Sport" (Bingo x Dawn)

AM CH Gilara All Over Town, "Oliver" (Regis x Soave - co-bred with M. Gillies)

AM CH Cot'n Pic'n Spitfire Vanderbilt, "Fire1" (Rowdy x YY) (Co-owner M. Goodenough)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Dream On, "Stevie" (Tyler x Evie - co-bred with Jan Warner)

AM GCH Vanderbilt's Snowater Pickup Line, "Howdy" (Cash x YY) (Owner Ken Granacki)

AM CH Vanderbilt 'N Printemp's Lucky Strike, "Striker" (Lucky x Brandy) (Plus GRAND CHP) (co-bred with Mengru Wu), co-owned with Correen Pacht & Marc Ralsky

AM CH Echo's In Your Wildest Dreams, "Buffy" (Sullie x Evie). Co-Bred with J. Warner

AM GCHB Echo's Prince Of Denmark, "Hamlet" (Sullie x Evie). Co-bred with J. Warner


CAN CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Lies, "Lila" (Danger x Bubbles)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Dream, "Dream" (Danger x Crystal)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Cot'n Pic'n Cowboy, "Cowboy" (Eli x Fire1)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Mister Jake, "Jake" (Georgie x Petit)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Sunrise, "Riser" (Georgie x Petit)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Ride The Sun, "Sundancer" (Georgie x Petit)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Remember When, "Opal" (Monty x Diamond)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Let's Roll, "Dice" (Monty x Blossom)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Hank Panky, "Hank" (Monty x Fire2)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Top Gun, "Maverick" (Georgie x Annie) (Plus GRAND CH)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's All The Rage, "Rage" (Hughie x Fire)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Flirt With Danger, "Flirt" (Danger x Paris)



AM CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Kiss, "Danger" (Billie x Fergie)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Remember When, "Opal" (Monty x Diamond) - BISS

AM CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Moment, "Alicia" (Stealer x Ina)

AM CH Vanderbilt's In The Mood, "Tonka" (Gambler x Chloe)


CAN CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Moment, "Alicia" (Stealer x Ina)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Livin' The Fantasy, "Livie" (Sport x Fantasia)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Fantasy Island, "Tattoo" (Sport x Fantasia)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's In The Mood, "Tonka" (Gambler x Chloe)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Deal, "Tootsie" (Danger x Sweetie)



AM CH Vanderbilt's Fantasy Island, "Tattoo" (Sport x Fantasia)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Power Of A Kiss, "Puck" (Billie x BonBon)

AM CH Cotnpcnmagicmoonshine Vanderbilt, "Shine" (Kegs x GG) - Goodenough/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Sweet Chili Pepper, Chili" (Simba x Bubbles)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Cot'n Pic'n Cowboy, "Cowboy" (Eli x Fire). Co-bred with M Goodenough

AM CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Lies, "Lila" (Danger x Bubbles)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Dangerous Deal, "Tootsie" (Danger x Sweetie)


CAN CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Pearl, "Pearl" (Stealer x Penny)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Island Delight, "Dee" (Tattoo x Petit)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Sprinkles On Top, "Sprinkles" (Topper x Fantasia)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Let The Magic Begin, "Teller" (Kegs x GG) Parry/Elford (Plus GRAND CH)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Magic Marker, "Mark" (Kegs x GG) Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Ride The Wind, "Rider" (Sundancer x Gale) Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Hallo Spaceboy, "Bowie" (Captain x Luna) Fontaine

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Back In The Saddle, "Bronco" (Blizzard x  Stevie).  Co-bred with Jan Warner.

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Maple Moon, "Maple" (Tattoo x Luna) Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Magic Wand, "Wanda" (Kegs x GG) Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Destiny, "Desi" (Stealer x Sass) Elford


2019 (Striker's Canadian Top Dog campaign year so we didn't show many other dogs)

AM CH Vanderbilt's What Lola Wants, "Lola" (Striker x Opal), co-owned with Tina Hale


CAN CH Vanderbilts Strike A Pose, "Madonna" (Striker x Gale)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Ride The Rim, "Caesar" (Sundancer x Colada)



AM CH Vanderbilt's Habanero Pepper, "Nero" (Tonka x Chili)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Livin' On The Fly, "Flyer" (Caesar x Livie)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Tell Me No Lies, "Mueller" (Sundancer x Lila)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Sapphire, "Sapphire" (Stealer x Sweetie)

AM GCH Vanderbilt's Close The Deal (Dealer x YY) Campanella/Elford

AM GCH 'Silver' & 'Gold' Vanderbilt 'N Printemp's Lucky Strike, "Striker" (Lucky x Brandy)  (co-bred with Mengru Wu), co-owned with Correen Pacht Ralsky & Marc Ralsky

AM CH Vanderbilt's Ride It Like You Stole It At Midnight, "Harley" (Rider x Pearl)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Good To Be King, "Leon" (Bronco x Goody) Co-owned with Blake & Kelli Denton (Plus GRAND CH)


CAN CH Vanderbilt's Stolen Sapphire, "Sapphire" (Stealer x Sweetie)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Flower Power, "Aster" (Puck x Chili)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Tell Me No Lies, "Mueller" (Sundancer x Lila)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Little White Lies, "Rachel" (Sundancer x Lila)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Habanero Pepper, "Nero" (Tonka x Chili) (Plus GRAND CH!)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Strike My Fancy, "Fancy" (Striker x Glory)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Power Broker, "Broker" (Puck x Chili)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Strike It Big, "Mr Big" (Striker x Colada)



AM CH Vanderbilt's Strike Oil Cinnabar, "Charlotte" (Striker x Glory) - Co-owned with Beth Ortensi

AM CH Vanderbilt's Big Break, "Breaker" (Mr Big x Chatty)

AM CH Vanderbilt's For A Good Time Call, "Graffiti" (Mueller x Goody)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Better Be Good, "Turner" (Mueller x Goody)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Cot'n Pic'n Milky Way, "Martini" (Sherman x Shine) - Co-bred with Marjorie Goodenough

AM CH Vanderbilt's Nour, "Nour" (Striker x Spot) - co-owned with Suzanne Danza & Steve Tursi (+ AM GCH)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Talk About Luck, "Irish" (Gabby x Viola) (+AM GRCH)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Please Just A Sprinkle, "Justin" (Mueller x Sprinkles)

AM CH Halestorm 'N Vanderbilt's Summer Breeze, "Katie" (Qonjac x Lola) - co-bred with Tina Hale (Also AM GCH)

BIS AM CH Halestorm 'N Vanderbilt's Ready For Summer  "Karen" (Qonjac x Lola) - co-bred with Tina Hale


CAN CH Vanderbilt's Livin' On The Fly, "Flyer"

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Cot'n Pic'n Milky Way, "Martini" (Sherman x Shine) - Co-bred with Marjorie Goodenough

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Penny, "Penny" (Striker x Alicia)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Peppermint Twist, "Smirnoff" (Nero x Madonna)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Truths And Roses, "Thorn" (Mueller x Rose)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Talk About Luck, "Irish" (Gabby x Viola) (+ CAN GRCHS)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Big Love, "Kasih" (Mr Big x Dee). co-owned with Lisa & Phil Gravelle

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Salt 'N Pepper, "Salty" (Nero x Madonna)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Bearfaced Lie, "Kodiak" (Mueller x Serra)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Sapphires 'N Silver, "Colt" (Bronco x Sapphire)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's For A Good Time Call, "Graffiti" (Mueller x Goody)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Big Break, "Breaker" (Mr Big x Chatty)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Your Dance, "Yuri" (Flyer x DD)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Do Tell, "Dottie" (Mueller x Wanda)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Please Just A Sprinkle, "Justin" (Mueller x Sprinkles)



CAN CH Vanderbilt Strike Oil Cinnabar, "Charlotte" (Striker x Glory)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Better Be Good, "Turner" (Mueller x Goody)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Walk On The Moon, "Neil" Walker x Dee)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Promises Promises, "Terra" (Broker x Promise)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Big Bang, "Sheldon" (Mr Big x DD)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's That's A Promise, "Tapper" (Broker x Promise)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's First Impression, "Solo" (Tyler x Uno)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Country Boy, "Denver" (Blake x Uno). Co-owned with Farrah Frizzell

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Tell It To The Judge, "Judge" (Mueller x Tasi)


AM CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Penny, "Penny" (Striker x Alicia)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Your Dance, "Yuri" (Flyer x DD)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Sapphires 'N Silver, "Colt" (Bronco x Sapphire)

AM CH Vanderbilt 'N Polar Mist Sweet Talkin' Man, "Talker" (Bronco x Sprinkles) - Cozzi/Blue

AM CH + AM GCH Vanderbilt's Salt 'N Pepper, "Salty" (Nero x Madonna), "Salty" - Elford

AM BRONZE GCH CH Vanderbilt's Nour, "Nour" (Striker x Spot) - co-owned with Suzanne Danza & Steve Tursi 

AM CH Vanderbilt's Bearfaced Lie, "Kodiak" (Mueller x Serra)



CAN CH Vanderbilt's Power Of Beauty, "Beauty" (Broker x Viola)

CAN CH Vanderbilt 'N Halestorm's Chasing Summer, "Chase" (Qonjac x Lola) - co-bred with Tina Hale, Halestorm Samoyeds AK USA

CAN CH Vanderbilt's When Do I Start, "Rookie" (Mr. Big x Chippy)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Big Spender, "Spender" (Mr. Big x Beach)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Iceman, "Iceman" (Mr. Big x Meme)

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Ransom Money, "Scout" (Lucifer x Maple - Hubenig/Elford


AM CH Vanderbilt's First Impression, "Solo" (Tyler x Uno), Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Luck Should Have It, "Archie" (Kodiak x Penny), Denton/Elford, USA

AM CH Vanderbilt's Dancing Bear At Silver Birch, "Fozzie" (Kodiak x Charlotte), Ortensi/Elford, USA

AM CH Vanderbilt's Donna Lie To Me, "Donna" (Kodiak x Dottie), Murphy/Elford

AM CH + AM GCH Vanderbilt's Lucky In Love, "Reba" (Turner x Penny). Vitner/Elford USA

AM GCH Vanderbilt's Salt 'N Pepper, "Salty" (Nero x Madonna), Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Star At Innwangsan, "Astelle" (Penny x Kodiak), Son/Choi/Elford (S.KOR)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Power Trip, "Tripper" (Puck x Chili), Son (S.KOR)

AM CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Ducky, "Ducky" (Turner x Penny), Gold/Sigulinsky?Elford (USA)


JCH of LUX, BE, NL, INT + Junior Europa Sieger '23; Adult CH of LUX Vanderbilt's Lucky Fox, "Rebbi" (Stroker x Spice). Owners Jónsdóttir (Iceland) & Van der Elst (NL).

KOR CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Star At Innwangsan, "Astelle" (Penny x Kodiak) - Son/Choi/Elford (S.KOR)

THAI CH Vanderbilt's Moon Strike, "Celeste" (Neil x Charlotte) - Aukkaradit Siriwongnapa (THAI)

Por JCH Vanderbilt's Rich Strike At Samspring, "Derby" (Kodiak x Charlotte) - Pedro DeSilva (Portugal)



AM CH Vanderbilt's Tell Me I'm Pretty, "Lara" (Neil x Dottie) - Ortensi/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Hot Steamy Lies, "Steamer" (Kodiak x Dottie) - McNichol/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's When Do I Start, "Rookie" (Mr Big x Chippy) - Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's More Than Luck, "Clover" (Turner x Penny) - Smith/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Lucky Ever After, "Maeve" (Turner x Penny) - Haro/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's High Speed Chase, "Radar" (Chase x Mya) - Wong/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Hey Big Spender At Fyre'n Ice, "Benjamin" (Koda x Aiyla) - Alrick/Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Bada Big Bada Boom, "Mario" (Koda x Aiyla) - Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt's Strike A Flame, "Flame" (Cy x Charlotte) - Widjaja, Eunike, Elford

AM CH Vanderbilt 'N Zamosky Lucky Devil, "Damien" (Yuri x Irish) - Widjaja, Eunike, Elford


CAN GCH Vanderbilt's Feeling Lucky, "Dice" (Yuri x Irish) - Dollevoet/Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt 'N Zamosky Lucky Devil, "Damien" (Yuri x Irish) - Widjaja/ Eunike/ Elford

CAN GCH Vanderbilt's Miss Moneypenny, "Missy" (Pyro x Penny) - Gaffney/ Cummins/ Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Something's Burning, "Smoke" (Pyro x Penny) - B&J Elford

CAN CH Vanderbilt's Striking Reflection, "MiraBeth" (Cy x Charlotte) - B&J Elford

​CAN CH Vanderbilt's Winterdance Philisa, "Haven" (Storm x Kasih) - John & Tracey Parry; B&J Elford. Co-breeders P&L Gravelle

CAN CH Philisa 'N Vanderbilt's I Am The Bigger Bear, "Dutton" (Storm x Kasih).  Ow: P&L Gravelle. Co-breeders P&L Gravelle & B&J Elford




AM GCH Vanderbilt Luck Should Have It, "Archie" (Kodiak x Penny). K Denton/Elford USA

PH GCH+THAI CH+AM CH Vanderbilt's Strike A Flame, "Flame" (Cy x Charlotte) - Widjaja, Eunike, Elford

PH GCH+AM CH Vanderbilt 'N Zamosky Lucky Devil, "Damien" (Yuri x Irish) - Widjaja, Eunike, Elford



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